Опції зарахування

Purpose is an understanding and learning of manufacturing engineering for production of aviation engines and power plants.

Task is acquirement of knowledge on planning of manufacturing processes and manufacturing operations for production of parts of aviation engines and power plants. 

Educational results: As the result of learning of the discipline a student should obtain the following competences:

General competences: ability to generate new ideas (creativity), ability to make the reasoned decisions; ability to learn and acquire modern knowledge.

Specialty competences: ability to develop and realize manufacturing processes for production of elements and objects of aviation, rocket and space engineering.

Program educational results: to explain his/her decisions and reasons for their making to specialists and to non-specialists in clear and single-meaning form; to observe the requirements of branch normative documents related to procedures of designing, manufacture, testing and(or) certification of elements and objects of aviation, rocket and space engineering at all stages of their life cycle; skills in determination of loads on structural elements of aviation, rocket and space equipment at all stages of its life cycle; to describe structure of metals and non-metals and to know methods for the modification of their properties. To assign optimal materials for elements and systems of aviation, rocket and space equipment taking into account their structures, physical, mechanical, chemical and exploitation properties, as well as economic factors; to describe experimental investigation methods for structural, physical, mechanical and manufacturing properties of materials and structures; to se  in professional activity the modern methods of designing and manufacture of elements and systems of aviation, rocket and space equipment; to understand and substantiate a sequence for designing, manufacture, testing and(or) certification of elements and systems of aviation, rocket and space equipment; to understand theoretical principles and practical methods for tool provision of interchangeability of parts for aviation, rocket and space equipment; to acquire the skills in development of manufacturing processes including those with use of computer automated designing of production of structural elements and systems of aviation, rocket and space equipment.

Interdisciplinary relations: discipline “Manufacturing technology of engines and power plants” is to be delivered after the students’ acquirement of disciplines “Engineering and computer graphics”, “Engineering material science”, “Aviation material science”, “Higher Mathematics”, “Physics”, “Thermodynamics and heat exchange”, “Machines’ parts and designing fundamentals”, “Interchangeability and standardisation”, “Mechanics of materials and structures”, “Technologies of structural materials”, “Designing of aviation power plants and aggregates”, “Design and strength of aviation engines and power plants”, “Methods and parameters for machining of surfaces of various shapes” and other disciplines. Knowledge, abilities and skills obtained by students from discipline “Manufacturing technology of engines and power plants” are used for further learning of designing and technological disciplines such as “Designs of aviation engines”, “Exploitation, repair and application of aviation engines in ground-based plants”, “Aviation piston engines”, “Manufacturing technology of engine-building”, “Automation of manufacturing processes”, “Computer-aided development of manufacturing processes”, “Technological tooling” and other, at development of graduation bachelor paper, as well as term projects (papers).

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