Aircraft Operating Life and Durability Laboratory work №4 FATIGUE DURABILITY OF HINGE JOINTS Student: Group:1 Variant:1 Initial data for calculation: Bolt and eye matirial: 30ХГСА Sigma_b=120kg/mm^2 Sigma_т=80kg/mm^2 E=21000kg/mm^2 P = k=Рrep/Р= Loading cycle stress ratio r= Calculation of the joint static strength: diameter of the hole in the eye d= mm Accepted d= 14мм толщина проушины Delt=44.15мм. Accepted Delt=44мм ширина проушины в сечении, ослабленном болтом В=16.56мм. Accepted B=17мм for k= Fatigue life of a transversely loaded bolt: LgNб= Nб= Fatigue life of the eye, taking into account the bending of the bolt: LgNп= Nп= for k= Fatigue life of a transversely loaded bolt: LgNб= Nб= Fatigue life of the eye, taking into account the bending of the bolt: LgNп= Nп= for k= Fatigue life of a transversely loaded bolt: LgNб= Nб= Fatigue life of the eye, taking into account the bending of the bolt: LgNп= Nп=