Aircraft Operating life and Durability Laboratory Work น3 THE EFFECT OF RADIAL TIGHTNESS ON THE DURABILITY OF THE STRIP WITH HOLES FILLED WITH BUSHINGS, BOLTS AND RIVETS Student: Group: Variant: Individual tasks: Sigma_0=184ฬฯเ Sigma_0=130ฬฯเ The results of the calculation of the durability of plates with holes and holes filled with bushings from steel 30HGSA |———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Sample |Material|B/d |Tightness| Durability of plate at stress levels | | | |or | | Sigma_maxgr, ฬPเ | | | |do, mm| |——————————————————————————————————————————| | | | | | 184 | 130 | | | | | |——————————————————————————————————————————| | | | | | N,cycles| LgN | N,cycles| LgN | |——————————|————————|——————|—————————|———————————|—————————|——————————|—————————| |hole ฤ16๗า 4 - 16100 4.2068 48500 4.6857 | |hole ย95๏๗า1 4 - 12800 4.1072 25100 4.3997 | |bushing ฤ16๗า 12 1 ฑ 0.2 58600 4.7679 281400 5.4493 | |bushing ย95๏๗า1 12 1 ฑ 0.2 21300 4.3284 58600 4.7679 | |———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |—————————————————————| | 90 | |—————————————————————| | N,cycles| LgN | |———————————|—————————| | 155800 5.1926 | | 51300 4.7101 | | 1479300 6.1701 | | 171300 5.2338 | |—————————————————————| The results of the calculation of the durability of plates from ฤ16ภา with holes and holes filled with bolts ฮัา1 34103-80 |————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Tightness|Tightening | Durability of plate at stress levels | | |moment | Sigma_maxgr, ฬPa | | | |——————————————————————————————————————————| | % | | 184 | 130 | | |dเอ m |——————————————————————————————————————————| | | | N,cycles| LgN | N,cycles| LgN | |———————— |———————————————|———————————|—————————|——————————|—————————| | - - 15900 4.2014 55200 4.7419 | | - 3.0 114900 5.0603 282400 5.4509 | | 1.5 3.0 128500 5.1089 324200 5.5108 | | 1.5 - 120600 5.0813 469000 5.6712 | |————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |—————————————————————| | 90 | |—————————————————————| | N,cycles| LgN | |———————————|—————————| | 205400 5.3126 | | 731600 5.8643 | | 863100 5.9361 | | 1974400 6.2954 | |—————————————————————| The results of the calculation of the durability of plates from ฤ16ภา with holes and holes filled with rivets |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |Sample |Joint type |B/d |Tightn-| Durability of plate at stress levels | | | |or |ess, % | Sigma_maxแ๐, ฬPa | | | |do, | |————————————————————————————————————————| | | |mm | | 184 | 130 | | | | | |————————————————————————————————————————| | | | | | N,cycles| LgN | N,cycles| LgN | |——————————|—————————————————|————|———————|——————————|—————————|—————————|—————————| |hole - 7.5 - 35000 4.5441 124900 5.0966 | |rivet 4-9 ฮัา1 34052-85 4 1 - 4 203300 5.3081 1089700 6.0373 | rivet 4-9 ฮัา1 34040-79 1 - 4 586400 5.7682 2718700 6.4344 | |——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————| |—————————————————————| | 90 | |—————————————————————| | N,cycle | LgN | |———————————|—————————| | 479700 5.6810 | | 6444000 6.8092 | |13786100 7.1394 | |—————————————————————|