- This forum to discuss course content.
General news and announcements are in WeChat group "Computer aided design" (сontact the teachers if you need a link).
Deadline - 21.12.2023, 22-00 in Beijing time
Deadline - 28.12.2023, 22-00 in Beijing time
Function for our simulation model
(updated, see video in Lecture 8)
Test will be closed - 29.12.2023, 17-00 in Beijing time
Answer in order. After moving on to the next question, you cannot return to the previous one, even if you did not select an answer.
Deadline - 30.12.2023, 17-00 in Beijing time
Deadline - 30.12.2023, 17-00 in Beijing time
It will be closed - 30.12.2023, 17-00 in Beijing time
There are no right answers here. Just 2 questions about your impression of this course. You will receive 1 point for answering each question (regardless of the option you choose).